Offering Strength to Single Mothers
with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Offering Hope to Their Children

We are dedicated to helping underrepresented single mothers with Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Our mission is to provide financial assistance, patient navigation services and emotional support to underserved single mothers living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, in order to help them have a better quality of life. And to provide hope to both mother and child that they do not have to go on this journey alone.

  • Who We Are

    Infinite Strength exists to help those with this disease who have no voice, those who have faced adversity after adversity because of their zip code or skin color.

  • MBC Panel Discussions

    MBC Panel Discussions

    We assemble a team of experts quarterly for in-person (virtual option) panel discussions to tackle the topics that are not talked about enough.

  • National Resource Portal

    Social Workers and Patients are welcome to apply to our portal filled with resources for Meals, Domestic Violence, Financial Aid, Legal Assistance and more.

  • In Her Words

    Women with MBC, Caregivers, and Oncology Social Workers share their stories and shed light on the importance of Infinite Strength.

  • Find Support

    Find support within the MBC community for you and your family, and ask questions as you try to navigate your diagnosis and treatment.

  • Apply For Assistance

    Our goal is to help single moms with MBC by providing financial assistance for basic human needs: A roof over their head, warmth in the cold, food on the table.

Single Mothers and Poverty

We are the only nonprofit in the country dedicated to underserved single mothers with Metastatic Breast Cancer, and the only one to offer monthly recurring financial support to these families.

Not only is breast cancer more biologically aggressive in African American women, the disparity in breast cancer mortality also reflects social barriers that disproportionately affect Black Women via poverty, cultural and social injustice barriers across all disease phases: prevention, detection/incidence, treatment, post treatment/quality of life, survival/recurrence/mortality. NIH

Nationally: 70.5% of all African American working mothers are single moms, making them the primary, if not sole, economic providers for their families.

Economic Policy Institute

My Story

“I knew my story was not typical of most patients. The thin drape that separated me from other women in the infusion room every week did little to mute the voices of those questioning whether they could continue treatment because they were on their own and had bills to pay.”

Roberta Lombardi, Founder and President

On The Blog

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