In Her Words
Here is a place you can turn to hear the stories of other women living with this disease. You are not alone; we are here to support you and your children.
Melissa’s Story
Melissa shares how she was a fun, vibrant and hardworking single mom when she found out she had breast cancer and then everything changed.
Part One
Shannon’s Story
Shannon and her 3 children were living in a homeless shelter before she found Infinite Strength. Her story is one of hope and new beginnings.
Part Two
Michelle’s Story
Rachel and Kristina reflect on their sister Michelle’s legacy and battle with Metastatic Breast Cancer while being a single mother at the age of 30 years old.
Part One
Erica’s Story
Erica shares her relief since being able to enjoy time with her children thanks to the support and financial assistance from Infinite Strength.
Part Two
Social Workers
Oncology social workers in Greater Connecticut speak to the financial hardships and emotional struggles of Metastatic Breast Cancer patients and their children.
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