A Metastatic Breast Cancer Diagnosis Is Devastating
Can you imagine raising your children in a single parent home and struggling to meet your bills each month? Struggling to pay your rent/mortgage and put food on the table? Then imagine receiving a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis and learning you will be in treatment for the remainder of your life and may not be able to work. How would you provide for your children’s needs? Who do you turn to for help?
Our goal at Infinite Strength is to help single moms with MBC by providing monthly financial assistance for basic human needs: A roof over their head, warmth in the cold, food on the table. Our goal is to give these women and their children HOPE that they are not alone.
Recurring Funding
MBC occurs when breast cancer spreads from the breast to another part of the body (usually, the bones, liver, lung and/or brain). There is no cure for MBC, it is terminal, and research teams have projected that the number of people living with MBC will increase nearly fifty percent (50%) over the next ten years! The costs for women living with metastatic disease are enormous, as they will be in treatment for the rest of their lives.
Some women have to choose between prolonging their life through treatment or ending treatment to save their families from financial disaster. Infinite Strength provides monthly financial support for up to six months to underserved/underrepresented single mothers living with Metastatic Breast Cancer.
In addition to providing Basic Human Needs Grants on a monthly basis, we offer emotional support both in person and virtually for families through our MBC Panel Discussions and The HOPE Retreat.
“Roberta, The words thank you and your genuine support and shoulder to lean and cry on is beyond inspiration... so much love... I thank you because I don’t hold it alone... thank you for being with me. I truly needed the assistance and beyond and sometimes when someone like yourself jumps in it helps beyond words.” — Quiana
In loving memory of Quiana who passed away this January leaving behind her 10 year old son and two elderly, unwell parents.
Infinite Strength is honored to have eased the burden of an incredibly sweet, gentle and loving person.
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